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Picnic Information

The annual Corridor Woodturners picnic for 2022 will be September 8th.  The location is the Green pavilion at Guthridge Park in Hiawatha.  It’s on N. 7th Avenue and Emmons St.  Maps are on the club website.  The picnic starts at 6:30 pm.


The dinner will be a pot luck.  Water and iced tea will be provided, but you can bring whatever else you want to drink (no alcohol).  Bring your dish to share and your table service.  We’ll start eating at 6:45.  Note that there are limited electrical outlets. 

After dinner, we’ll have a show and tell and the challenge project.  This year’s challenge project is a ‘matched set’, which is anything that requires two or more elements to be the same size and shape.  Those who bring a challenge project will be entered into a random drawing for a $75 gift certificate.

We’ll have a raffle, like we do at most club meetings, plus each club member will get a free chance to win a ‘grand prize’.

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